Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week 6 EOC: Me x 3

The three items I've chosen that I believe are a good representation of me are my car, my record player and my headphones. First I choose my car because I quite literally cannot go anywhere without it. I was given my car, named Lil' Red, by my father, when I received my license. It is a symbol if freedom and responsibility for me. A representation of my transition into adulthood. As a teen getting your first car is the most exciting thing in the world, and it especially was for me because I didn't get my license till much later than most teens. Second, I choose my record player, which was a gift from one of my sisters at Christmas, because of how unique it is and it simply fascinates me. Music is a huge part of me and my life. Listening to my records pulls me into rawness of the music and brings a different meaning to the music that entrances me. My record player is a part of the past as well as modern times. I like to think it's a symbol of music and me. Third and finally, my headphones, which were a present I received on my birthday. As I already mentioned music is a very large part of me, and I can't exactly take my record player everywhere with me. I have a large digital music library, as I am not opposed to the wonders of modern technology and the advantages. My headphones travel with me everywhere and, when appropriate, I am constantly listening to something in the music world. My headphones are the part of me that embraces the world of modern technology,  They're also a way for my to tune out the world and become enveloped in my music and my mind. It's an escape, as music is in many ways. These three items I own do not define me, but are a good representation of small part of me.           

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