Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

More and more companies are beginning to realize that the smartest way to promote themselves is to younger audiences, through younger employees. Joe Light said in his article Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like , in the Wall Street Journal, "More companies are trying to tap Facebook Inc.'s 750-million-plus user base to find new employees, threatening traditional job boards and competing with LinkedIn Corp., which has dominated the online professional networking arena." Through Facebook the recruiters can find potential employees. Social Media has been woven into our everyday life and "In response, marketers are now working to harness the newfound communications power of their everyday customers, turning them into influential brand ambassadors." People will talk about what they love, if it's brand they're loyal to, a restaurant they attended, etc. And it's through social media that it's shared. So companies have had to adapt. Now they can find out how consumers feel about their company, and now recruit people for jobs. More often than naught, recruiters are looking for younger, fresh-faced Generation Y-ers, such as myself. My generation have practically been raised in the major technological developments the world has seen, and therefore are the forefront of social media. "Facebook hires account for less than 1% of the total hires companies are making, according to Jobs2Web, which helps companies track the sources of candidates and hires. But if current growth trends continue, Facebook could rival traditional job boards in 2012, said Jobs2Web analytics manager Phil Schrader." Joe Light. Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like. The Wall Street Journal. Web. 2015.  Companies are finding it not only easier, but more cost effective to hire through social media. "Candidates have been 50% more likely to apply to positions they found through Facebook than through other means, said Mr. Staney. "[Job boards] just blast it out. This is much more efficient and targeted,[...] said Will Staney, talent acquisition Web strategy manager."

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